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Please allow me to introduce myself at this point: I'm a freelancing trader of and trainer for private companions (persons of a more indiscreet disposition might use the term "sex slaves"). My dear Nakamura-san here represents a client with whom I had at least a dozen lucrative business dealings over the past three years. Today Mr Nakamura will inform his client about the conditions of another transaction – after checking the quality of the goods, of course.The three hundred kilometre trip inside the stifling crate would have been much easier on her if she were nude, but that would send out the wrong signal. So her body had suffered the last six or so hours inside a tight – and I mean tight – black latex catsuit with mouth- nose- and eye-holes as only openings."Hair colour?" Blond," I answered as we closed in. I had ordered to keep her fair mane under latex, too.She reacted to our voices by producing rasped sounds. When I had specified the openings, I had been imprecise. A latex. Let's go."We got out, and I skipped to the door with Neeka following behind me. Inside, we were met by one of Master Li's assistants - whom I suspected were all close relatives of his — who showed us into a room that was hung all over with brocade banners with Chinese pictographs on them. It took me a minute to figure out that they were the equivalent of trophy cups from various competitions. There was a large wooden desk at one end of the room, so I assumed that this was Li's office.We had only been waiting for a few seconds when Master Li himself strode in. He was moving at a much more brisk pace than I remembered from our lesson the previous week. I hoped we weren't interrupting something important."Welcome," he said. Then he paused. I wasn't sure if it was for effect, or if he was mentally translating something to say. I spoke up before he got a chance to say it, though."We want to apologize for missing class yesterday," I told him in a respectful tone. The man just oozed power.
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